Ace Ruele
Founding Director
Ace founded Creature Bionics in Feb 2020. It started as a practical effects company that developed creature rigs for performers to be able to imitate the skeleton of a specific creature for a character performance. Being able to provide his own rigs for a production eventually led to supplying other performers and production companies with his rigs and running workshops on how to use them. The company’s mission changed from being solely a practical effects business when Ace realised the lack of character development that was needed on various projects for the CG characters he was hired to play. Using his own initiative to assist and provide the development needed for the characters, created a better performance. It was clear that providing a service of character development was vastly more important to the industry than just practical effects.

Laura R.Ormiston

Gaby Nimo
Theatre Supervisor

Jarrell Hall
U.S Rep

Emily Dean

Jahirul Amin
VFX Supervisor

Robin Berry
Creature/Rig Specialist
Lead Tutor

Laura R.Ormiston
Creature/Rig Specialist
Movement Director
Joss J.MacDonald
Creature Specialist
Movement Director

Lucky McQueede
Creature/Rig Specialist
Stunt Rigger
Lead Tutor

Ophir Raray
Creature/Rig Specialist
Assistant Tutor

Lewis Noble
Creature Specialist