Day 1
The session will focus on creature character development and designing movement for video game mechanics. Participants will gain insight and experience on what is required from a mocap actor for gameplay characters and enemies in a video game.
Class Layout:
Intense Warm-Up
Character Development Breakdown
Breath Work
Live Mocap Demo
Live Video gameplay
Character Design
Demonstration and Feedback
Day 2
The day will consist of participants learning how to create quadruped movement using arm extensions. Once this has been achieved, they will move on to creating their own character following the rules of video game mechanics from the previous session.
Class Layout:
Intense Warm-Up
Quadruped Movement
Arm Extension training
Sound Bath
Flow & Play with Live Music
Character Design
Performance and Feedback (Recorded for showreels)
Course Tutors

Ace Ruele
Lead Tutor
Course Coordinator

Robin Berry
Lead Tutor
Assistant Coordinator

Laura Romer-Ormiston
Lead Tutor
(Warm-Up & Cooldown)

Daniel Norford
Lead Tutor
Assistant Coordinator
Addition Notes:
The workshops are full-day workshops and will take place at Garden Studios starting at 9am and finishing at 6pm. There will be two 10-minute breaks, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, and a lunch break for 40mins. Sandwiches and bottles of water will be provided but you can either bring your own lunch or go out to eat.
Hand sanitiser and cleaning facilities on site.
By agreeing to do this workshop, you accept that the session will be recorded for shared footage and commercial marketing reasons. You will receive the locomotion/movement footage you performed within 2 weeks after the session. If you would not like your solo footage shared on our social media or website, please let us know.
Everyone will have to sign a disclosure form stating they are taking the class at their own risk. The arm extensions may look fun but if not used properly, they can result in serious injuries.
There will only be 12 spaces (12 pairs of arm extensions) available per class as I want to be able to have enough awareness of everyone’s progress throughout the session.
Students may be required to be barefoot for specific parts of the session.
Parking is free on the weekend.
There is apart of the session where you will be moving on your knees, you may bring need pads if you require, as well as a yoga mat for stretching (these are not provided).
We have a kitchen onsite with access to the fridge and microwave.
Please be aware that this is not a motion capture workshop. The skills gained from this session can be used for motion capture, especially the section on locomotion which is used for motion capture in video games, but the workshop itself is focused on creature movement and video game mechanics.
The fee for attending the workshop is £350.
This workshop qualifies for instalment payments, please contact us to find out more information. This is done via bank transfer only.
(Please double-check that there are available spaces via email)
Refund Policy:
We do not offer a refund for the workshop as arm extensions may have been made specifically for the class. For reasons such as work, medical, emergency, child care and family matters, the fee can be used for the following workshop.
If the session has to be cancelled via the organiser, a refund will be issued within 28 days unless you would like to keep your place for the next available workshop.
1st and 2nd of March.
Garden Studios
The Hive
Steele Rd
NW10 7AS

Creature Bionics offers a 10% discount "for life" for workshops over £200.
The discount code is applicable for:
Participants living with a chronic illness.
BA graduates from any form of performing arts.
Current BA students studying any form of performing arts.
Participated in a mocap or creature workshop prior to attending our workshop.
Full payment is able to be made 2 weeks before prior to the date of the workshop via online or bank transfer.
Please Note: -
You will be required to provide evidence of your eligibility.
Instalment payments are not eligible for a discount.
If you do not provide evidence and turn up to the workshop, you will be required to leave immediately!
For information on instalment payments for workshops over £200, please send us an email.
Please use the code at checkout
for an questions, please email Info@creaturebionics.com